Thursday, March 26, 2009

Totally Terrific Thursday

It's been a great day!

I had a normal work day but that's not what I even want to talk about - not even a little.

I got home from work to 5 of my 7 kids, 2 dogs, our cat and my gorgeous husband! LilB, J and Rush made a fantastic supper, which was ready as soon as I walked in the door. We had fettuccini alfredo with chicken breasts and jalapeno cheddar garlic toast. It was SO good. Apparently the banter from the kitchen was enough to warm BigB's heart and he had a great day as well.

When I came home, I saw Bug looking like this...

...a Beatnik. I expected dark poetry instead of "Hi, Mama! How was your day!?"

J came for a visit and brought her sweet pooches. Here she is with snuggly Daisy.

The older three snuggling with the dogs; Jellybean mothered them and took notes on how to look after a dog so "she will know how when she gets one". She also informed me that she wants a dog like Daisy.

Bonding and making up for lost time!

Group fun!

Highlights from tonight:

The laughing at each other as the dogs tried smooching us.

Me running outside, chasing the dogs on their joint leash when Jellybean lost the leash while taking them out for a walk AND take the garbages out. How is that a highlight? I had no shoes or socks on - totally bare foot! Very invigorating!

Jellybean making notes in her notebook about how to take care of puppies.

Finding out that P.B. is coming over too!

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