Thursday, July 14, 2005

I Hang My Head in Literature Shame

Okay, so Dixie tagged me. Oi. Now comes the embarrassing part of how many books I do not own but, oh well, slowly but surely I am getting more. So let's get on with it.

Number of books I own:
Approximately 200...if I really wanted to impress people I could include children's books but I am pretty sure that would be cheating. LOL.

Last book I bought:
Simple Faith by Charles Swindol

Last book I read:
Bait of Satan by John Bevere

5 books that mean a lot to me:
Little Women (don't know the author) because I used to sit and read it at my grandma's house over and over again

He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado

The Tawny Scrawny Lion and The Pokey Little Puppy
I'll put those both as one since they are kids books but they were my absolute favorite when I was a baby and I still love reading them to my kids

The Chrysalids
I had to read it in high school and enjoyed it enough to read it on my own a few more times since...I dunno

I am going to be a bit of a cheese ball and say
The Bible
I find a lot of peace, knowledge and strength from The Bible so it definitely has to make an appearance in my list.

Wow, I don't know if I know anyone else to tag. I think you have all been tagged. So I will try and hopefully get enough.

1. Renee
2. Paula
3. Dizzy D (just leave it in my comments if you want)
4. Christy
5. can't think of another one right now (it's late)

So there, I have hung my head in literature shame. I am not an incredibly well read person any more. I used to read an awful lot but now, I feel I have failed the literary world immensely.

1 comment:

Dixie Vandersluys said...

There's nothing to be embarressed about! Marc and I have a lot of books, but could stand to do a lot more reading of them. If we gave our list of books owned AND read, the numbers would be much lower.