Friday, June 17, 2005

Our Special Guest

We had a strange young man arrive on our doorstep this afternoon shortly after lunch. He was wrinkled and disheveled, unshaven and pierced. His eyes looked pretty heavy but they had a twinkle in them and so I thought I would let this poor young guy in, maybe even feed him.

Some of you may be thinking "Have you gone m ad?! You can't be letting strange men into your house."

Well, this strange young man is my son!!! Billy's home!!!! WAHOO!!! He drove all night so he's a little worse for the wear but he's here and Hallie & Aren are beside themselves. They just keep looking at him, smiling and giving him big bear hugs. It's nice to have him back for awhile.

Natalie, you can call as often as you need or want.

1 comment:

Spin Original said...

So nice to see him and how much he has matured!