Friday, June 17, 2005

Drummer Boy?

As I sit here debating whether I should just take a couple Advil Migraine Relief gel tabs or yell at my son, again, for drumming on EVERYTHING, I wonder what he will be when he grows up. He seems to have an absolute passion for music. It's coursing through his veins or something. From an early age, like 3 months, he has loved listening to his dad play guitar and when he was crying, the raunchier the guitar the better. He still gets excited about the guitar; he has his own electric guitar that is too big for him but he loves to strum it all the same. We have a small guitar here that belongs to Hallie that he strums while he dances and sings to the rhythym. He sneaks downstairs and plays Cherish's keyboard and other times he takes his Fisher-Price drum down to her room, turns the keyboard on so it plays one of the programmed songs and drums along with it. He is fascinated by movies about music. For example, he has watched "Raise Your Voice" with Hillary Duff countless times, several in a row even. He was having a hard night while we were watching "Ray", the movie about Ray Charles; well, he lay his head against me and tried to sleep while they were talking but as soon as any music or singing came on the boy perked right up. Now, lessons for all three of these instruments will cost a pretty penny so I am thinking about putting him to work right now (:P) so he can start saving some money.

Seriously though, I just sit and wonder where this love will go and how it got into him at such an early age. We all love music, Bill guitar, Jenn bass, me singing, Cherish trumpet and wants to learn keyboard, Hallie wants to play drums, guitar, keyboard and the pink violin. So I can see where he would like it but where does the obsession come from? He is by far the most obsessed about it; looking at the post I would say that Hallie is a close second. It just doesn't consume her like Aren. He is constantly drumming on something: table, wall, floor, dishes, tub, toilet, cat, bed...

It leaves me to wonder, should we invest our money in music lessons or in over the counter pain medications? Let me know what you think will pay off more in the long run...(:P) Until then, the mother of several aspiring musicians asks for your prayers for patience with the budding artists and any sample of headache medicine you can get your hands on. LOL

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