Thursday, August 25, 2005

Some of my Pictures...From July...

My sister asked for pictures since, and I use her words, she has never been anywhere. I haven't had a chance to get the pictures from last week's trip on my computer but, I do have some scenery pictures from last month's so I thought I would put some of those up to give her, and you, a little taste.

This picture was shot in Montana.

Here is a shot of Kansas City's skyline.

This is a picture of the rocks that they have all over the place in KC; instead of removing them to build things they work around them and have these stone walls especially around Billy's apartment. You see them all over on the way into KC as well. It really makes it pretty.

And one more picture with a little story for you....

This is a picture of a spider I saw in the bathroom of a Famous Footwear in KC. Why did I take a picture of this spider while I was in the bathroom? Oh the answer is quite simple and logical...really. I do not like spiders, especially ones that crouch down and look like they are about to pounce on me. So, it took a lot of inner strength to resist screaming when I saw this thing across the room from me in this tiny little bathroom. I couldn't scream. Could you imagine how embarrassing THAT would have been? I was far more afraid of being embarrassed because I screamed over a spider than I was afraid of the spider. So why DID I take the picture? Bill never would have believed me that I didn't scream because of this thing. He was really big (small spiders I can handle but he was big). This picture doesn't do him justice but, I wasn't about to take my time to get a good angle on him either. So that is why I have a picture of the spider from the bathroom. Funny little story now, then it was traumatic and news worthy (LOL).
I hope this tides you over a bit until I can get Bill to give me my pictures of his laptop.


tanby said...

great pics sis, can't wait to see the new ones, and hear more stories from your trip

Dominique said...

That is one huge spider.

Love Mom said...

yup! I really had to swallow the scream down! He was honestly looking like he would jump on me!