Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Don't rush through life...Saunter.

Bug and DeeDee. These cousins are 2 months apart but from the beginning of their time have always had to hold hands. Here they are taking a stroll through the pasture, checking on the cattle and on their way to visit the horses. They fell way back from the group, just holding hands, sauntering along, enjoying the scenerey and being, just, with each other.

We could learn so much from watching moments like this...take time to show loved ones just how much you care, when you are together, enjoying just being together, don't rush through life and never take the opportunity to enjoy the path you get to take along the way...

And if you look at the very top of the picture you see another example of sauntering with the same life lessons. My Jellybean and her Uncle S enjoying being together.

Enjoy your life. Try not to rush through it...try to simply saunter...



Anonymous said...

Oh, so sweet! Great photo of sauntering! You have seven children, I would love to be a witness to that, I love big families but am a little scared of making a sibling for my daughter.

mary said...

lovely post. I will remember to saunter tomorrow

Nicole said...

Great take on 'saunter'! I've been trying to saunter a little more this summer and it's been fun. My boys appreciate it, too...

Shelley said...

Awwwwww! Little sweet peas!

Kiss kiss kiss.

Sauntering currently scheduled for next Tuesday... (only half kidding)... thank you for this nice reminder.

Jen said...

Nice pic... how cute that they always hold hands!!