Who am I? Wife to BigB. Mom to 7 beautiful children (LilB & Nat, P.B. & J, Rush (aka Goofish), Tuff, BabyK, Jellybean & Bug). I am close to 35 & still figuring out who I am as a wife, mom & disciple. I blog to remember for myself some of the funny, happy, sad, scary, special and mundane moments of our lives. I want to remember it all...it is all important. So welcome to a look inside my life...& all the multi-facets of it. Sit back, relax & let me know you popped by. Glad to have you here!
so sorry to hear that. but now she is at peace. my condolonces and thoughts to the family. how are you holding up from this?
It is difficult to accept but she is no longer suffering from this.
love and prayers...
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