Thursday, August 17, 2006

My child...

Because he is too darn stinkin' cute for his own good, I may have to lock him in his room or become a sharp shooter. Either for me.

Sometimes I can't fathom how much I love my kids; there seems to be no measure for end to it but yet, it doesn't even begin to compare to how much God loves me. How is it then, so hard to even begin to grasp that concept some days? Why is it so hard, knowing how much I love my children, to believe that God loves me so much more than that, whether I feel worthy or not?

I saw a picture at a friend's house today and it showed a beautiful, serene sky with a dark cross in the foreground. I have seen this picture a thousand times in her front porch but today, the words jumped out and grabbed me.

It reads. " One day I asked God how much He love me and He said, 'This much' and He spread His arms out wide and died."

1 comment:

tanby said...

read my blog important message is waiting for you