Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am such a dork

I have been attempting to get my grade 12 math through correspondence and I can never seem to finish it...too many distractions and to many reasons I can use not to do it. What I did get done I got good grades on...really good grades and so I was getting frustrated. Today I went to the adult education building at our local trade school and found out that I can get this math class (FOR FREE) and, if I need more than one class, I can get paid to go to school!!!!!

What in the world was I waiting for?!? Now I just have to make an appointment with another woman and get all signed up; this will take a couple of days as she needs to get my transcripts and then I will be on a waiting list to get in! If I had only looked into this 2 years ago when I tried to get my math the first time!

Ah, don't cry over spilled milk; I must simply look forward and know that it is a possibility now.


tanby said...

i hope it all works out and you can get in soon. get that stinking math class behind you once and for all.
love ya

Love Mom said...

I know!!! This math will NOT beat me!!! Wah ha ha ha....cough cough cough...

tanby said...

are you still feeling rotton? i just have the cough still that doesnt seem to want to go away