When Hallie started Kindergarten I got the bright idea that I was going to start taking Aren to the library on a regular basis. He absolutely loves it. Why? He gets to take his Tonka book bag empty and bring it home full of books. He gets to run around looking at all the really cool posters the ladies have on their desks...horses, Winnie the Pooh... He carefully and intensely picks out the books he will be taking home for the week. In fact at times it is down right frustrating. Last week he would take a book, inspect the cover, put it back, grab another, inspect that cover, put it on the floor, flip through the pages every so often while still looking at books. He will finally find one worthy to bring home which he will then, finally put in his book bag and continue leafing through the one on the floor while finding more books to take. Once done this book, Aren then puts it back on the shelf. We then half to go look through the books that you aren't allowed to take home...the huge ones that you just leaf through at the table they sit at. He also loves the library because you can bet that he won't be the only little kid there and...that means he has someone to play with and, if it is a girl, bat his eyelashes at.
very cute. is good to have a grown up activity for him. and nothing beats reading. keep up the love of books Aren.
Hi Angela,
Haven't talked to you in FOREVER! Ummm, when can we go for coffee? I have Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings free. Does either of those work for you?
Lemme Know!
Thursday mornings will not work for me beginning um, let me check...next week. Other than that, I can meet you for coffee (Aren & I) any morning. Hallie is done school at 11:45. Let me know what works for you.
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