Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What a Rush...

I went shopping this morning. Actually, I went to exchange a pair of shoes I got Rush because they were too small. Bug & I decided that we would just browse around and relax a bit while we were there. I stopped by the scrapbooking supplies "just in case they had something new". While wandering around in the craft section I found baskets on sale and by sale I mean ON SALE!!! I got 23 baskets that would have cost me $190.00 for...

Oh, it's almost too sinful to tell anyone but oh boy, do I get a rush from getting a good bargain. I don't know if I told you all about the Strawberry Shortcake portable DVD player I got Jellybean for only $30 (instead of $100). It gives me such an adreneline rush. I feel so on top of the world getting a good deal it's almost inexplicable. I thrive on getting great gifts for people for incredible, outstanding even, deals.

Oh yes, but back to how much my 23 baskets cost me. Those baskets cost me a mere $23 plus tax!!! Twenty three dollars... Twenty three dollars... Just saying it gives me the shivers...
What a rush....!


tanby said...

so we are all getting baskets of what for Christmas lol

Spin Original said...

I am with you on the love a good bargain/salr thing. If there is something on sale, chances are I'll buy it whether I need it or not!
Did you get Cherish new shoes? Or we you too excited over the baskets?!